The Institute of Academic Development get behind the big issues
In June, we had the privilege of revisiting a client seven years after we helped them launch a new brand. The Institute of Academic Development at the University of Edinburgh has flourished in intervening years, building its reputation and growing engagement across the University and beyond through development training, support, research, events, consultancy and partnerships. The current team includes only a handful of staff who were part of our brand engagement work back in 2011 and director, Jon Turner, wanted to give his passionate team the opportunity to share the same experience - a chance to reflect upon and celebrate why the IAD exists, its contribution and influence.
An all-staff away day in late-June provided the ideal opportunity to consult and engage with the full-team, drawing out what motivated them, exploring what interactions with IAD feel like and explore the common beliefs and goals they share together.
Many thanks to IAD for inviting us back.